- 16-20 lb full packer brisket
- 3-4 TBSP of fresh cracked black pepper
- Full Boar BBQ All- Purpose Garden, Barn, and River Rub
- Full Boar BBQ The Black Label Steak and Chop Rub
- Full Boar BBQ Classic Campfire Classic BBQ Sauce
- Trim all silver skin and insoluble fat off of brisket and pat dry with paper towels. No need to get crazy with your trimming. When cooking hot and fast fat is going to render much more aggressively so I would rather leave more to the brisket than less. Leave at least a quarter inch of fat or more on the fat cap side.
- Start seasoning with a heavy layer of Full Boar BBQ All- Purpose Garden, Barn, and River Rub and let sit for 15 minutes to bind
- Repeat this step with Full Boar BBQ The Black Label Steak and Chop Rub
- After these seasonings have set and you are getting a nice wet look in some spots take your coarsely ground black pepper and spread evenly over entire brisket. You will need to press these chunks in with your hand to get them to bind properly.
- Leave brisket UNCOVERED in the fridge overnight. If you do not have time for this that is ok but you do want this to sit and bind for at least 6 hours. This is important to build a good bark on this faster cook.
- When ready to cook, preheat smoker to 300 degrees. Make sure the cooker is up to heat and rolling clean smoke before putting your brisket on.
- Take brisket straight from the fridge to the smoker keeping it as cold as possible. When placing I suggest leaving your fat side faced towards the heat source and if possible have the point of the brisket closer to heat than the brisket flat.
- Cook brisket for 2 hours then flip so fat side is away from the heat. This will help build bark on the meat side. cook for about another 2 hours or until meat is at least 140 up to 10 degrees internally. If you are not getting the bark you want et feel free to leave this another hour or two just make sure it does not get above a 160 degree internal temp.
- Once you are ready, wrap tightly with 2 layers of butcher paper. You can use foil but this will hurt your bark a bit.
- Bring smoker up to 350 degrees and return the wrapped brisket to the smoker with the fat side towards the heat source.
- Once the brisket reaches 203 degrees internally remove from your cooker and place in a dry cooler. I like to have an old dry towel in the bottom to soak up some of the moisture.
- We want to rest this for AT LEAST an hour. I prefer 2 hours. "Burp" the cooler ever 20-30 minutes by opening for a few seconds and then closing tightly.
- When you are ready to slice I suggest setting the brisket in a foil pan or something that can catch the large amount of juice that is going to run out of the wrapping. DO NOT GET RID OF THE JUICE! You will want this to either pour over the sliced meat or just set the meat back in the foil pan to with the juice to serve.
- Set your smoker to 250 degrees
- Set brisket on your board fat side down and remove the point from the flat as shown in the video.
- Slice the point into 1-2 inch bite size cubes and put into a foil pan.
- Glaze the cubes with Full Boar BBQ Classic Campfire Classic BBQ Sauce and return to smoker for 20 minutes
- Once burnt ends are on, slice your brisket flat against the grain to your desired thickness
- Serve with your favorite BBQ sides and be prepared for your eaters to request this to be made countless times in the future!